Day01 of #100DaysOfCode
Hii folks 🙌
I have started #100DaysOfCode and today is Day01.
I will be documenting my everyday update here and sharing it with you all!
Project 01: JavaScript Drum Kit
- Today, I am tasked with building: a drum kit.
- Right from the jump, I was given the HTML, CSS, and audio clips to work with, so at least that was settled — the real problem was with connecting it all, so I followed through with the exercises.
Next up, we listen to the window with an event listener called addEventListener for the key down event. When the key down event happens, a function is run. The code between the script tags now looks like this
window.addEventListener(‘keydown’, function(e){if(!audio) return;;const audio = document.querySelector(‘audio’)});
Next up is to write up on animation to make the keys brighten up and this is done with these lines of code:
const key = document.querySelector(`.key[datakey=‘‘${e.keyCode}’’]`);
Now the code between the script tag now looks like this:
window.addEventListener(‘keydown’, function(e){const audio =
document.querySelector(‘audio[data-key=${e.keyCode}']’);const key = document.querySelector(‘.key[data-key=${e.keyCode}']’);if(!audio) return;audio.currentTime = 0;;console.log(key);});
Here Template literals are literals delimited with backticks ( ` ), allowing embedded expressions to substitute.
Next addition to the code block are these lines of code:
function removeTransition(e) {console.log(e)}const keys = document.querySelectorAll('.key;);keys.forEach(key => key.addEventListener('transitionEnd', removeTransition));
The transitionend
event is fired when a CSS transition has been completed. In this case where a transition is removed before completion. the code says is, every key is listened to for a transitionEnd, then when it is completed, removeTransition gets into place.
Finally, we have this code block:
function removeTransition(e) {
if(e.propertyName !== 'transform') return;
T.I.L. (Today I Learned)
- about transitionEnd
- Template Literals
- playing audio files in JavaScript
- the difference between addEventListener and onClick
- Also, solved one DSA problem
In addition to the above, I’m also building my own youtube clone app name PocketTube with Python Django AND ReactJS!!
API is in progress! 🎉
That is all for Day01 ✅
Thanks for reading, See you tomorrow!