Day07 of #100DaysOfCode

Kushagra Kesav
Feb 14, 2022



Hii folks 🙌

Today I have completed the 7th video of JavaScript30!

Project 07: Array Cardio Day 2



Today’s challenge was the second installment of Array cardio.

Just like the first Array cardio day, I worked with various array methods to manipulate array data.

Now the tasks that I had to carry out are as follows:

  1. Use Array.prototype.some() to check if at least one person is 18?
  2. Use Array.prototype.every() to check if everyone is 19?
  3. Use Array.prototype.find() to find the comment with the ID of 823423.
  4. Use Array.prototype.findIndex() to find the comment with the ID of 823423 and delete it.

Now comes some Cool HTML tags:

  • <meter>
  • <summary>
  • <progress>

Today I learned (T-I-L):

  • 4 more array methods
  • More ES6 style code
  • Some cool HTML tag

That is all for Day07 ✅

Thanks for reading, See you tomorrow!



Kushagra Kesav
Kushagra Kesav

Written by Kushagra Kesav

Developer Relations | Communities | Software Engineering |

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