Day31 of #100DaysOfCode

Kushagra Kesav
2 min readMar 9, 2022


#CodeTogether Day 31/100

Hii folks 🙌

After completing the series of JavaScript30, from today I’m going to start learning Android Basics in Kotlin

Unit 1: Kotlin basics

Pathway 1: Introduction to Kotlin




  • All Kotlin programs need to have a main() function: fun main() {}
  • We use the println() function to print a line of text.
  • We place the text between double quotes to print. For example "Hello".
  • Errors are marked red in the program. There is an error message in the output pane to help us figure out where the error is and what might be causing it.
fun main() {
println("Happy Birthday!")

Create a birthday message in Kotlin

  • We create a variable using the val keyword and a name. Once set, this value cannot be changed. Examples of values are text and numbers.
val age = 5
  • Use ${} to surround variables and calculations in the text of print statements. For example: ${age} where age is a variable. A String is text surrounded by quotes, such as "Hello".
println("You are already ${age} days old, ${name}!")
  • An Int is a whole positive or negative number, such as 0, 23, or -1342.
  • We can pass one or more arguments into a function for the function to use it, For example:
fun printCakeBottom(age: Int, layers: Int) {}
  • We use a repeat() {} statement to repeat a set of instructions several times. For example:
repeat (23) { print("%") }
repeat (layers) { print("$$$$$$$") }
  • A loop is an instruction to repeat instructions multiple times. A repeat() statement is an example of a loop.
  • We can nest loops, that is, put loops within loops. For example, we can create a repeat() statement within a repeat() statement to print a symbol a number of times for a number of rows. For example:
fun printCakeBottom(age: Int, layers: Int) {
repeat(layers) {
repeat(age + 2) {

And then attempted the quiz, and this is what I got! 🎊

That is all for Day31 ✅

Thanks for reading, See you tomorrow!



Kushagra Kesav
Kushagra Kesav

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